Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Bring your own device (BYOD) Challenges across the enterprise

The BYOD concept allows employees to enjoy increased mobility and productivity.  For the Enterprise, security is a major concern and impediment to BYOD adoption.  In most IT settings, enforcing corporate security policies and procedures is a challenge as more users bring their own devices to the network.

To date, BYOD has remained an informal practice for many organizations. In the meantime, the lack of a coherent approach to BYOD can leave the organization exposed due to risks from security and compliance gaps to escalating IT complexity.  As consumerization continues its rapid rise, the need is clear for a complete BYOD strategy, encompassing both policy and technology.

Ideally, an organization’s practices around BYOD should be detailed in a formal policy.  Empowered to choose the best device to get their work done, including laptops as well as smartphones and tablets, people become more mobile and productive.

Based on a recent survey, 55 percent of organizations, consider their organization a BYOD environment, saying that they allow their employees to use their own mobile devices for work-related endeavors.

Guiding principles for a successful BYOD strategy:

Workers should have complete freedom to choose any type of device for their work, including the same devices they use in their personal lives, and move seamlessly across devices over the course of the day.  IT should be able to deliver on-demand files, apps and desktops to any device, anywhere, over any Connection, while maintaining uniform and efficient security, policy enforcement, compliance and control through a single point of management.

Your BYOD strategy should address requirements such as security, simplicity and cost reduction.

A sound BYOD strategy will enable your organization to:

  • Empower people to choose their own devices to improve productivity, collaboration and mobility
  • Protect sensitive information from loss and theft while addressing privacy, compliance and risk management mandates
  • Reduce costs and simplify management through self-service provisioning and automated management and monitoring
  • Simplify IT with a single comprehensive solution to secure data, apps and devices

 It’s crucial to enforce strong 2 factor authentication with BYOD rollout programs.  Users will have access to critical and confidential corporate data, customer information, intellectual property, and financial information. Using DRM’s Direct Authenticator, Organizations can stay vigilant with respect to major concerns with BYOD adoption:

  • Unauthorized Access, whom and what is being accessed on their network to prevent access breaches
  • Data Loss, Ability to manage risk while preventing losses.
  • Malware, Effectively thwart unauthorized programs to run freely, create havoc disruption and damage.

DirectRM offers many different methods of 2 factor authentication including hard tokens, soft tokens and our new state of the art invisible token to authenticate users via their own device.  Users will be able to connect and access company resources with full audit trails using DRM’s Direct Authenticator.

In addition to the authentication offerings, it’s extremely important that each mobile device should be assessed prior to any remote connection to the corporate local area network.  Thus, strong authentication alone is not sufficient without a proper assessment of the device.  DRM’s unique offering and one-of-a-kind solution, “Authentication Secure Access Platform” enables enterprises to deliver applications to end users securely and seamlessly.  It ensures all Devices comply with the organization’s Security policies.